Sunday, June 2, 2013

Can’t afford your own personal stylist, but can you really afford not to have one?

You may think you can’t afford your own personal stylist, but can you really afford not to have one? As you well know, the question on every girls lips when receiving a fancy invitation is, of course, “what am I going to wear?”. After all the excitement has dissipated from receiving the invitation, then along comes the stress of hitting the shops and working out what garments may or may not be appropriate to wear. No one I know likes turning up to any function feeling like they haven’t got it right, doubting their choice of style or colour, or wondering if the overall look they spent hours creating was even right for them in the first place. Most celebrities like to use personal stylists so that they don’t have to worry about what gowns or outfits to select for their upcoming red carpet appearance. All the work is done for them while their personal stylist runs around town pulling together the best looks for their clients needs and all the celebrity has to do is show up and try on their favorite styles and choose the dress that they love the most. Now, wouldn't you love to have all that done for you, without being someone famous? Well guess what? You can! Here is the number 1 reason for why you need a Personal Stylist! You’re stuck in a style rut: Many women, and men too, find themselves in a style rut and that is mainly because they are unsure of where to go next or afraid of change. We forget that what used to look good on us years ago does not quite fit the bill now. Clothes do have an expiry date; if we have moved on, so should our clothes. Using a personal stylist will help you try on garments that you may not have even looked at before, and so you get a pair of fresh eyes to assist you in trying things that will look great on you!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fabulous & Forty, Do's and Don'ts Style Tips!

I believe we can be beautiful at any age, but sadly society tells us that looking young is equal to looking beautiful. So not true! I think women in their 40’s are looking better than ever; in fact if you have not heard it already, remember that “Forty is the new thirty” When you’re over 40 and your aim is to look current and hip or just age appropriate, there are certainly many things you can do to look great.
Embracing who we are and having fun with fashion is the key to looking fabulous! Here are my “Fabulous and 40” style do’s and don’ts: • Don’t bear all. Revealing too much skin is a sure sign of trying to hold onto your youth. • Do wear a sleeve if you are concerned about your arms. I love watching Meryl Streep and Helen Mirren, who both have the knack for accentuating the great and understating the not so great.
• Do watch your hemlines. Dresses and skirts that come to the knee are more appropriate for the forty plus woman of style, as opposed to mid-calf or mid-thigh. • Don’t wear clothes that are too big. Nothing screams “frumpy” like loose and shapeless clothing. Semi-fitted garments show off your feminine shape and are vastly more flattering. • Do avoid pleated pants as they add bulk to your middle section, and what woman wants that? • Don’t wear double-breasted blazers; they will make you look square. Go for jackets that nip you in at the waist instead. • Do avoid wearing low-rise jeans if you want to avoid muffin tops.
• Don’t wear hair extensions unless you are a celebrity with a great stylist. • Do buy yourself a pencil skirt, every woman at any age looks great in one.
• Don’t wear heavy makeup; wearing dark lips or eyeliner will add years to your complexion, lighten your look by going for softer colours that look more natural. Now remember, these are just guidelines as you still need to consider your shape, size and personality. But do avoid doing the 1666 - looking sixteen from behind but looking sixty six from the front! You may laugh, but I bet you’ve seen someone doing the 1666 at some stage? Dressing your age seems to be even harder to achieve these days as most of the fashions seem focused on or directed at the younger women, but my advice is to work out who you are and dress to impress yourself! If you are stuck in a rut or have lost confidence in yourself please give me a call, I am here to help you get the edge you need! Special offer Do you need help with creating a great wardrobe capsule for autumn? For all of March receive your personal two hour wardrobe work out which includes "Your Personality Formula" for free. Your investment $250 SAVE $125 Book yours today. Call 0438 837 808

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What do your clothes say about you?

Have you ever looked backed on some of the outfits or hairstyles you have worn, thinking you were all that? I know I have! It bothers me to see people still wearing that same unflattering clothing and sending a bad image message, especially when it is so easy to update your look. Did you know that a poor image can ruin your reputation in less than five seconds? Studies have shown that our appearance accounts for more than half of people’s first impression of us. The old quote “don’t judge a book by its cover” is a valid sentiment, but it takes far more than five seconds to really learn about someone’s personality and character, when all we really have up front is a tiny glimpse into the persona of others by the messages they are sending through the clothes they wear, and the appearance they cultivate. Like it or not, your clothes speak. So what are your clothes saying about you? WHAT MESSAGE DOES YOUR IMAGE SEND? Since the making of silent movies we have been able read the characters by the clothes they were dressed in. It was easy to tell who the hero was, the villain and the damsel in distress. But even today we still tend to stereotype people and have created a predominantly unconscious image-based belief system. This belief system convinces us that if the person we are evaluating dresses like a used car salesman then they will possess the same character traits as a used car salesman. It’s a mindset that we have all fallen into and is a hard one to break. Let’s look at two personality styles which convey two very different messages. FEMININEversusDRAMATIC The Feminine style is soft, romantic and youthful. The woman wearing this style appears warm, gentle and compassionate. Main elements of the Feminine look:
The overriding features of the Feminine style are softly flowing fabrics, pastel colours, and medium to low colour contrasts. The Feminine woman is perceived as: Calm, Caring, Compassionate Considerate, Demure, Delicate, Empathetic, Feminine, Gentle, Humble, Innocent, Nurturing, Receptive, Sentimental, Soft spoken, Supportive, Sympathetic and Warm.
The Dramatic style is bold, confident and commanding. It’s all about statement pieces! The woman wearing this style is not the shy, retiring type. Her dramatic clothes make her the centre of attention. Main elements of the Dramatic look: The overriding features of the Dramatic style are highly structured clothes and accessories with large design elements and high contrast colours.
The Dramatic woman is perceived as; Aloof, Assertive, Bold, Charismatic, Commanding, Confident, Cosmopolitan, Demanding, Dramatic, In control, Influential, Intense, Powerful, Sophisticated, Striking and Strong.
To find out more about your personality style formula you can purchase my new eBook on “Your Personality Style Formula” for only $23 by clicking on the link below!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jane's Top Ten Summer Must Have's

Summer took a long time to get here but it has finally arrived! Here is a list of summer must have’s to help you keep your cool and look stylish this season. • A dress is the easiest item you can own. From your simple sundress to the glamorous maxi you will definitely keep your cool. • Bright accessories are the rage, have fun with turquoise, yellow or watermelon pieces that will get you sizzling compliments. • Strapless Bra’s come in handy for under singlet tops or of course strapless dresses. • Aztec Print, want to go tribal, then funk it up with one of anything Aztec. • Wedges are so hot right now. Great for comfort and height and come in some fun fashionable colours too. • Something White will always keep you looking fresh all summer round. • Too scared to wear mustard orange or lime, buy a Coloured Bag instead. • A light weight Jacket is the perfect perfect partner to go with your tops especially when the sun goes down and the summer breeze is blowing. • A wide brimmed Hat will keep the nasty rays off your face whilst adding flair and personality to your summer look. • Sequins nothing quite says party like a bit of bling. Still in the festive spirit? Then don’t put the sparkles away just yet.
Keep your cool this summer and always love what you wear and wear what you love! Jane Allen Image Consultant/ Personal Stylist 0438 837 808

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Find your party style this festive season.

So you love to party but are not quite sure what to wear? You are not alone; so many women face that challenge daily but what about when it comes to choos-ing that special dress for the annual office party or social function?
I have five styles to help you choose the right party outfit for every occasion.
 The LBD. You cannot go past The Little Black Dress; you may tire of it but Audrey never got it wrong. Black is slimming and sheik and is often our first choice because its been tried and tested. Black is especially great for night . Try to avoid it for day and opt for something lighter instead.
 The Maxi dress. Love or hate it, it’s here to stay. It hides a multitude of sins. It can be worn with heels or flats depending on where your function is. From Jacqui E to Charlie Brown you can rest assure you can look very glam in your maxi without feeling too casual.
 The Cocktail Dress. This is the perfect party dress for all fes-tive occasions. It sits on the knee which is the most flattering length for every woman. Also, I have found the raised waist cut is great for apples, rectangles and even pear shapes.
 The Jumpsuit. “Hmmm... how unusual” I hear you say, but an off-the-shoulder or strapless jumpsuit will get you noticed without a doubt. Sassy and sexy, I dare you to give it a try this season.
 The Mini dress. I think a mini dress is a great choice for the young or the young at heart, especially if your legs are lean and in good shape. Be age-appropriate when it comes to your hemlines, the older we get, the longer our lengths should be. (we don’t need to dress like nuns though).
Styledge Image Consulting would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful, stylish New Year!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Find it faster, know your style!

I have some exciting news to share with you about a shift in my business. I have a new way of working with my clients, which zeros in with laser focus on your individual needs and wants. When we work from your style formula, I can more easily help determine what’s already in your wardrobe that works best for you.
This new way (Your Personal Style Formula) is geared to helping you be true to yourself and your unique personal style. This will ensure that you dress with intention, from the inside out – your way – always honouring what’s most important to you, what you love and what you need to feel amazing.
Please call me today to book in for your Personal Style Formula so you learn to love what you wear and wear what you love!
Jane Allen
Image Consultant

Find it Faster: Know your style.
Are you overwhelmed by shopping? Do you get confused or frustrated by the amount of choice, or lack of, when you visit your local shopping mall?
I have five quick and easy tips to help you buy clothes that won’t become clos-et orphans. Are you ready?
 First of all, know what you are looking for. What is it that you need or want? Is it for a party, wedding or for work? Once you establish what it is you’re after you only need to go to the shops that sell those particular items.
 What outfit gets you the most compliments? If it is in a particular cut or colour that is flattering to your shape and complexion, then you must have it right, right?
 Learn to know what you like and dislike. Do you like frills, busy patterns, or neutrals. Do you like separate’s or suits, dresses or pants? Once you work out what you like or dislike then you can search for those garments that you know work for you.
 Is there a particular shop, boutique or designer that fits you well. It is worth going in every season to check out what is available. At least you know these styles have been tried and tested.
 Give yourself TIME, don’t shop in a hurry with 5 minutes to spare. You will purchase something you wish you hadn’t or you will leave the shops discouraged and depressed. Do your homework, look online to see what is in the shops that you fancy and go get it!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Your Personal Style Formula

I am very excited to be launching my new eBook “Your Person-al Style Formula; discover your signature style”. Jane Liddelow (from Style Makeover HQ) and I collaborated to produce a la-bour of love that is a fantastic tool to help women unlock the secrets to their style success!
I believe the foundation to having great style is being confident about who we are and what we wear. Not only do women struggle with their identity but live with the daily challenge of having a ward-robe full of clothes and still complain they have nothing to wear. Do you get dressed or stressed? Are you uncertain about some outfits you put together?
Your Personal Style Formula will help you discover the real you that expresses who you are inside and out!

"Discover your unique personal style and express who you truly are, inside and out”
Style is often the missing piece of the appearance "puzzle", the special ingredi-ent to looking great. Also, style rules are being broken constantly by those around us and in the media, which means there is even more confusion about what to buy and what to wear!
Some would say that style is something you are born with. Fortunately, that's not true, and thank goodness for that! Style can, in fact, be learnt.
Your Personality Style is the combination of many things
 What you love to wear
 The roles you play
 The activities you are involved in
 Knowing what works and what does not
 What you are attracted to
Wear what you love and love what you wear.
By choosing styles in your Personal Style Formula, you will begin to purchase garments that reflect the real you! You’ll learn how to blend your main style categories and how, by changing one small part of an outfit (such as your accessories for example), you can completely change the resulting style. You don’t have to go out and immediately replace all of your clothes. Work within your budget to change small details of your outfits to refine your ap-pearance and express your personality with your style.
What you learn from our eBook will last you a lifetime and you will never again be lured by fashion trends and fads telling you that “it’s a must have for you to look vogue”. Just because something is in fashion does not mean it’s going to look fashionable on you. No longer will you fall into the trap of the fashion vic-tim because you can apply Your Personal Style Formula to all aspects of your life.
Click here and grab your copy today for the introductory price of $23.00.

Jane Allen
Image Consultant, Personal Stylist