Monday, June 29, 2009

Your Inner Image

Your Inner Image
This is the substance of who a person is. It is the real you. The bedrock on which every act of your life has been and will be played out.
Understanding who you are is embracing all those elements that reside within. It is called Inner Image.
These are the central elements that make up “who you are”, what and how you think, and how you behave and react in every situation. It is “your reality” and it governs what you want and what you expect out of life. It also sets the limitations from which you live and behave.
Besides your size, shape and proportion and your colouring, it is where you were brought up, your home, the company you keep and work associates. It’s milieu.
Combining all the above attributes determines the way you dress, which sends a message about who you are and how you want the world to see you. Clothes are the biggest form of non-verbal communication. So imagine as you prepare to get dressed everyday, project yourself on a giant billboard. How will people respond to your image and what impression will you give?
Food for thought, isn't it?

Monday, June 15, 2009

“Life is too short to wear a bad outfit” I heard a young and upcoming designer say. I totally agree! You don't have to have all the latest fashions in your wardrobe to look great. Just because something is in fashion doesn't mean it’s going to look fashionable on you.
Clothes do have hanger appeal but we get bitterly disappointed when that gorgeous dress we fell in love with doesn't love us!
You have to understand your body shape and know the best colours for your complexion. Putting the right styles together with your best colours makes such a difference.
How true it is when you look good you feel good, it's that simple!
Jane Allen

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dressing is easy, looking good is not!

Dressing is easy but looking good is hard…..
As much as we love Kath and Kim and we can laugh at their sense of ‘umour but their dress sense is less than desirable.
We all see or know people (including ourselves, shudder the thought) who have on the odd occasion got their look totally wrong! So how do we avoid making those mistakes?
First of all we have to really know and understand our body shape because certain styles will suit certain body shapes. This is what we call our silhouette. Secondly, the garment has to fit well and thirdly it must be in proportion, which is determined by our vertical shape. When we understand these three important components the art of dressing becomes easier.
In addition to body shape, fit and proportion, it is just a matter of your own sense of style, quality and taste that will define your own look.
It takes a lifetime to develop your individual style. Booking in for your very own personal colour and style analysis, STYLEDGE will help you discover your unique style, giving you the all the confidence you need for every occasion.
Jane Allen