Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Are you an Image Breaker??

The way you dres sends a message about who you are and how you want the world to see you. Clothes are the biggest form of non-verbal communication. So imagine as you prepare to get dressed everyday, project yourself on a giant billboard. How will people respond to your image and what impression will you give?

An image breaker will let you down more than you know. Not that you have to be perfect, but attending to the finer details of your total look maybe the difference between getting that promotion you have been preparing for.
Here are my top 5 for both women and men.

Image Breakers for Women
1 Too much make up.
2 Bra straps showing.
3 Clothes that are too big or too small.
4 Poor grooming.
5 Dark hosiery with light coloured shoes.

Image Breakers for Men
1 Comb-over’s
2 Ties too long or too short.
3 White socks with dark pants.
4 Pants too short.
5 Short sleeve shirts with ties.
No No NO!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Love the skin you're in.

Perception is reality and often, when we face our mirror each day, we tend to only focus on the bad bits. This is not healthy for our self esteem and our already poor body image. But we are so used to picking out all the bad bits and forgetting that we all have great features too!
Styledge Image Consulting is all about accentuating the great and mitigating the not so great.
Next time you are getting dressed take a good look at yourself naked, if you dare, and really check yourself out. Yes you may have some flaws but look harder and take an inventory of all your assets and make it a must to accentuate them. Whether it be great ankles, gorgeous eyes or slender shoulders please do not hide yourself under your clothes concealing all. Be proud and flaunt your best features and love the skin you’re in!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Style Factors

As much as we love Kath and Kim and we can laugh at their sense of ‘umour but their dress sense is less than desirable.
We all see or know people (including ourselves, shudder the thought) who have on the odd occasion got their look totally wrong! So how do we avoid making those mistakes?
First of all we have to really know and understand our body shape because certain styles will suit certain body shapes. This is what we call our silhouette.
Secondly, the garment has to fit well and thirdly it must be in proportion, which is determined by our vertical shape. When we understand these three important components the art of dressing becomes easier.
In addition to body shape, fit and proportion, it is just a matter of your own sense of style, quality and taste that will define your own look.
It takes a lifetime to develop your individual style. Booking in for your very own personal colour and style analysis, STYLEDGE Image Consulting will help you discover your unique style, giving you the all the confidence you need for every occasion.
Are you loving your look right now? If not why not book in today and let me empower you to be the best you can be!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How to shop like a DIVA!!

We have all been there and bought things that we have never worn, but don’t fret, there are some clever ways to look stylish and current anywhere at any time - even on a budget. Here’s how:
1. Never buy on impulse.
2. Every $20 you don’t spend on that sale item which clutters up your closet is $20 lost towards something far more fabulous, like a designer outfit or that brilliantly made garment that you will always look great in.
3. Save that $20 in a special place, hold that impulse 10 times and bingo you can suddenly afford that $200 Cue dress that you've been drooling over.
4. Don’t be a slave to trends and current styles. Avoid grabbing the latest look off the floor before thinking it through. Score all garments, anything below a 6 out of 10 should remain on the rack.
It will mean delayed gratification but oh, the joy of purchasing that “must have” item over a silly little top that will be thrown out in 6 months. So my little diva’s, start spying and saving and let me know how you go.