Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Love your wardrobe!

Styledge Image Consulting is all about saving you time and money and helping you look and feel great
Our clothes should represent who we are and therefore reflect our personality.

Besides your wardrobe fitting and suiting your shape, colouring and proportions, you really should absolutely love what you wear. Our clothes represent who we are, so buy clothes which are compatible with you.

Do you LOVE it?
Our wardrobe should be an exciting place to visit rather than a place of constant frustration but unfortunately the latter often applies. To love something means that garment or accessory makes you feel amazing or inspires you in some way.

Your wardrobe tells a story, and to figure out the plotline, you need to see its heroes and villains. How do we spot those items that once looked fantastic but may not be age appropriate anymore? Simply remove all items that don’t flatter you or represent your current image and replace them with ones that do.

You can make a statement everyday by the choices you make. Whether you have a little drama in your shoe, or a signature piece of jewelry that really makes a statement. Perhaps a cute ruffle here and there revealing your romantic side, these can be the subtle or not so subtle ways of expressing your individuality.

Find ways to have fun with your clothes, take some risks. Less is more. Better to have less and love more than to have more and to love less!

Always remember when shopping…
Does it suit and flatter you?
Does it fit you?
Do you love it?
STYLEDGE Image Consulting
Why look good when you can look GREAT!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Psychology of Image

What you wear has a direct effect on the way you think, feel and behave and how you project yourself. Your image influences your thinking, what you feel, your behaviour, and how others interact with you. Your image also affects their thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
Styledge Image Consulting believes when you look good you feel good.
Your clothes speak; they send a message about who you are.

Social psychologist says our first impression is made up of three things.

55% visual
38% tonality
7% the words we use
Within 6 seconds a person has formed an opinion of us and we have made an irreversible impression.

You have all heard the phrase you have only one opportunity to make a first impression Why is Image so Important? Why does your appearance matter?

Do you know why it first impressions count –

In those first 6 seconds judgements are made:
1.If we like them.
2.If we trust them.
3.If we want to do business with them.
4.Spend time with them.

Image really works on perceptions and what how we stereotype people.If people look and dress a certain way then they are expected to behave a certain way.

Halo effect – first impression is believed even if not true. Why, because we all like to be right. And we like the comfort that being right brings into our lives. We are in control.

Our mind also likes to pigeon hole, we like to understand things. We are very quick to notice things which are not right or different. Our eye likes to be aesthetically pleased.

For example, how would you feel going to the dentist or doctor and he had on hippie tie dyed baggy pants and no shirt. We would be out of the surgery so quick.
Think about your image today and the impact it has on your world.
You can control the opinions of others based on how you look.
Based on your complexion, bodyshape, lifestyle and personality Styledge Image Consulting will help you achieve your desired image and maximise your potential.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How to always have something to wear

Styledge Image Consulting has taken on the mantra of the wonderul Gok Wan "Shop less and wear more" Let's take a look at how you can always have something wear!

1 Find out once and for all what really suits you. Invest in a colour and style consultation (of course).
2 Decide on a look that's right for you. One that works with your personality, budget and lifestyle.
3 Decide on three basic colours. These need to either match or will co-ordinate with what you own and buy only those three colours for your basic pieces.
4 Establish a workable budget. Remember the cost per wearing formula. Things you wear the most are worth extra dollars.
5 Make a list of all the items you need in your wardrobe e.g., a solid blazer, wool pants, white shirt etc.
6 Set aside an hour of time each week to shop.
7 Think carefully about each purchase. Will it go with at least 3 other things in your wardrobe? Can it be dressed up and down? Is it trans-seasonal? Will it date quickly?
8 Avoid trendy items. Or at least spend very little on them.
9 Buy fabrics that will span two to three seasons — like wool, crepe or matt jersey.
10 Add punchy colour and fashion flare with accessories!
Why look Good when you can look Great!