Sunday, April 24, 2011

Love the skin you're in!

I have always adhered to “being skinny” does not equate to health or happi-ness. I am a firm believer in loving the skin I’m in. It has taken a long time to arrive at this revelation but as I approach fifty, I must say it is a good feeling to be content and comfortable with my age, size and shape. Person-ally I’ve had to revaluate my look based on my reality. Gone are the super tight jeans and cute fitted tops (a look I lived in) I’ve opted for the slim line pant with heels or flats combined with a soft flowing tunic that flows over my curves. It was a necessary transition that I was happy to make.
So can we be stylish at any age, size or shape? Sure can!! Come with me…...
Style at any age, size or shape….
Studies now show that the average size of an Austral-ian female is a size 16. It’s been recorded that over 50% of women in the USA are a plus size. Unfortu-nately the plus size designers do not consider shape or silhouette and create hideous garments that would look better on slimmer woman.
Thank goodness for women like Queen Latifa, Oprah, Nikki Blonsky and Amber Riley who lead the way in dressing for their shape and size.
Know your body intimately.
Like any other job you attempt to you first need to know what you have to work with. The best way to know your body is to have it objectively analysed. This will reveal to you exactly how you are built. Learning about your hori-zontal and vertical shape also your face shape and physical scale. We rarely see the “good bits” but your body is better than you think it is and that there are styling strategies you can use to look and feel great everyday without spending hundreds of dollars.
Work the rules.
The next step is to discover the design elements that will most flatter your body. Learn how to recognise them on the rack and how to employ them when you are coordinating your outfits.
Support your shape.
Wearing the suitable undergarments is essential for any woman especially if you are full figured or not very firm. Undergarments can make a huge difference be-tween a lumpy silhouette and a smooth, firm, sleek one.
About 70% of women wear the wrong size bra, make sure you get fitted yearly. An ill fitting bra will leave your breasts (it has to be said) hanging in an unflatter-ing position which, not only is very unattractive but also make you appear bigger than you are. You can buy the right shape wear for you from all major depart-ment stores. All the celebs wear spanks and they are not afraid to admit it!
It all comes down to embracing your shape and loving the skin you’re in.
Jane Allen
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