Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What do your clothes say about you?

Have you ever looked backed on some of the outfits or hairstyles you have worn, thinking you were all that? I know I have! It bothers me to see people still wearing that same unflattering clothing and sending a bad image message, especially when it is so easy to update your look. Did you know that a poor image can ruin your reputation in less than five seconds? Studies have shown that our appearance accounts for more than half of people’s first impression of us. The old quote “don’t judge a book by its cover” is a valid sentiment, but it takes far more than five seconds to really learn about someone’s personality and character, when all we really have up front is a tiny glimpse into the persona of others by the messages they are sending through the clothes they wear, and the appearance they cultivate. Like it or not, your clothes speak. So what are your clothes saying about you? WHAT MESSAGE DOES YOUR IMAGE SEND? Since the making of silent movies we have been able read the characters by the clothes they were dressed in. It was easy to tell who the hero was, the villain and the damsel in distress. But even today we still tend to stereotype people and have created a predominantly unconscious image-based belief system. This belief system convinces us that if the person we are evaluating dresses like a used car salesman then they will possess the same character traits as a used car salesman. It’s a mindset that we have all fallen into and is a hard one to break. Let’s look at two personality styles which convey two very different messages. FEMININEversusDRAMATIC The Feminine style is soft, romantic and youthful. The woman wearing this style appears warm, gentle and compassionate. Main elements of the Feminine look:
The overriding features of the Feminine style are softly flowing fabrics, pastel colours, and medium to low colour contrasts. The Feminine woman is perceived as: Calm, Caring, Compassionate Considerate, Demure, Delicate, Empathetic, Feminine, Gentle, Humble, Innocent, Nurturing, Receptive, Sentimental, Soft spoken, Supportive, Sympathetic and Warm.
The Dramatic style is bold, confident and commanding. It’s all about statement pieces! The woman wearing this style is not the shy, retiring type. Her dramatic clothes make her the centre of attention. Main elements of the Dramatic look: The overriding features of the Dramatic style are highly structured clothes and accessories with large design elements and high contrast colours.
The Dramatic woman is perceived as; Aloof, Assertive, Bold, Charismatic, Commanding, Confident, Cosmopolitan, Demanding, Dramatic, In control, Influential, Intense, Powerful, Sophisticated, Striking and Strong.
To find out more about your personality style formula you can purchase my new eBook on “Your Personality Style Formula” for only $23 by clicking on the link below! http://www.styledge.com.au/ebook.html