Saturday, March 6, 2010

eStyle Your Personal Style Solutions

STYLEDGE Image Consulting is very excited about a very unique style program created and researched by Ann Reinten, CEO of The Australian Image Company. It has all those in the image business buzzing.
Introducing the brand new Your eStyle Personal Solutions which will help you:
1 Become Style Confident
2 Know Your Body Shape
3 Discover What Suits You
4 Define Your Unique Style
If you can’t come to Styledge then let Styledge come to you! This is great tool if you do not have the time for a one on one consultation or you live in a remote area and can’t get to me.
Don’t waste another second trying to work out what clothes suit you!! With Your estyle Personal Style Solutions you will KNOW what looks great!
We are so excited about this state of the art program STYLEDGE is offering you the special price of $79.96. Be one of the first 50 women who log in to purchase their very own eStyle Your Personal Solutions and SAVE!!!!

Why look good, when you can look GREAT!!!

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